Hello Obamacans! (www.Obamacans2008.com)

Obamacans Unite! is a forum created for Republicans who support Barack Obama to give the world their testimony. Did you vote for Obama in the Primary? Are you planning to vote for him in November? Please let us know where you are from, how many years you have been voting Republican, and what about Obama has changed your mind. Feel free to include links to any other relevant sites. Spread the word to your Obamacan friends… “We are our own best hope.”

44 Responses to Hello Obamacans! (www.Obamacans2008.com)

  1. Daphne says:

    I think he’s got what it takes to unite both parties. I certainly don’t want McCain in the White House dragging out this war any longer and I certainly don’t want Huckabee infringing on my rights and the Constitution. Obama is the only one who has the sense and the know-how to bridge gaps and have bi-partisan working relationships. Mitt Romney said that Washington is broken and I think Obama is the one to fix it.

  2. Beth Hand - Wylde says:

    My husband is a long time democrat and I of course was a forever republican. Political debates in our family have always been avoided. He votes his way and I vote the “family way”. Never really paying attention to candidates in the past just knowing as a “Family rule” you Vote Republican. But there was something about Barack Obama that really moved me. Made me sit down and listen to him for the last several weeks and truly pay attention and then it hit me like a wall of bricks. Everything that Obama is hoping to change in the US is important to me. As an example: Healthcare: We are self employed, our daughter had an accident last summer and was in the emergency room, what we thought would be good insurance was very substandard and left us with a bill of over $5000.00. We looked at our policy and we really don’t get much coverage for $1600.00 every three months. Then we have three kids one a senior in high school and two sophomores. Although the kids get good grades and have some scholarships it still doesn’t pay for their college education. Our Senior wants to be a psychologist, our daughter sophomore wants to be an attorney and our son the other sophomore wants to be involved in criminal justice. Well just hearing that you can imagine the dollars involved for college. The plan that Barack has for $4000.00 credit for the kids to attend college every year … but they don’t get it for free, they have to volunteer thru the community. Our kids have always been involved in the community so this will be nothing new. But they have always expressed that there is very few people that show up to actually help. Once again Barack moved us! So with all this being said we heard that Barack Obama was coming to the Kohl center and I made the decision for the family to go and see him. This thrilled and also stunned my husband. In the mean time I signed up on Barack’s web site and even made a small donation. I’m excited enough to step outside the boundaries of the “family rule” and actually join in the fight for something I believe in! At the age of 40 this is a HUGE Step.

    We picked our kids up from school. Both Sophomores and drove from Wisconsin Dells down to the Kohl Center. Our other son, the senior, had to work and couldn’t take off last night. We arrived there about 4:20 pm. And were led right inside to a holding place. There must have been about 2500 people in there. What was amazing to us is the crowd was extremely diverse. There were all ages, and a full ethnic spectrum. For an outsider looking in … How can Barack move this diverse of a crowd? WOW! We stood and stood and stood some more. Wondering as to why they weren’t letting anyone in. Finally someone came over the sound system and announced they will begin letting people in shortly and folks thanks for your patience it’s worth the wait I promise you that. We didn’t know what the guy was talking about. But there we stood even more, people seemed to be in a pretty cheerful mood and there were only a few complainers in the crowd but it doesn’t matter where you go you always have that select few that are never happy.

    It was finally time and they began to lead us in, it seemed like it took forever to go thru the winding ropes and people continuously were jockeying for position within the rope lines. After going thru security, we had to go thru long halls, down stairs and thru the locker areas as one of the security said to our family “oh folks your gonna love this.” We just smiled and continued the long walk.

    Well we made it out of the tunnel and onto the floor, YES THE FLOOR! We were told where to stand… right behind the podium. We never imagined being so close. Secret service handed us signs to hold up during the speech. Our daughter was even on CNN last night with a close up. The speech was inspiring and even had our son cheering and commenting which he’s usually a bump on log most of the time. Barack even moved him! It was very exciting. It seemed like he only spoke for 10 minutes, hanging on each of his words, much to our amazement he spoke for 30 minutes. Barack left the stage and then walked around the stage circle and shook hands with everyone he could reach. We all shook his hand, it was inspiring, uplifting and completely energizing. He spoke to my husband and said thank you for your support, my husband responded back “no sir, thank you” Barack shook his hand again! As soon as I can figure out how to download our cell phone with all the photos I will post those as well.

    After the rally we signed up to be on the list for volunteering. We are excited to be part of this incredible journey. Ladies and Gentlemen.. YES WE CAN!!!

    The Hand – Wylde Family
    Rich, Elizabeth, Andrew, Rebecca and Garth

  3. Ginger says:

    I’m a 35 year old, divorced mother of two. I’m in the classification of the ‘white women’ that so many people want to believe will vote for Hillary. I’ve voted Republican in previous elections, but I’m drawn to Obama and will vote for him this year. I’m tired of the same old – same old in Washington.

    The qualities that I see in Obama are those of a leader. One who is able to look past his personal interests to find common ground between opposing parties and make something happen. It does not take experience in Washington to have this quality. It is a quality of a personality that people either have, or they don’t.

    We’ve sat for years with the bickering in Washington amongst the ‘experienced’. A shake up of Washington politics is necessary for them to re-evaluate exactly what they are there for, Democrats and Republicans alike. They are all guilty of the same thing.

    Our politicians in Washington are not there to enjoy the good life. They are there to propell our great country to an even higher plateau for its citizens. That seems to have been lost, with other things that appear to be occupying their time.

    There is so much bickering between the two parties, that nothing is allowed to happen. Each wants their and only their solution, and they are worried the other party might get the kudos when something good does happen, if by circumstance, it was the other party’s idea.

    I’ve never truly been involved in an election like I have this year. I’ve NEVER donated to a presidential campaign. This year is an exception, because for once, there is someone running, that I believe can bring about a healing of this country and a healing of our political system.

    It’s time for us all to stand up and have a voice. To state that we aren’t about to let the wealthy and large corporations continue to have the only voice in Washington, simply because they have the money to do so.

    Hillary cannot understand what it is possibly like for Americans like me, raising a family on <$100K salaries, fighting to make ends meet, continually paying enormous costs for health care. I’ve heard her health care speach and Bill’s for nearly 10+ years now, and STILL nothing has happened. She’s had her opportunities to bring the parties together under a bill that would help Americans receive health care at affordable rates, yet EACH YEAR, my health care premiums increase, and this year, the deductible exploded along with it. So now, I pay more for less coverage. Health care is just one example.

    Obama has been there. He’s been in the trenches and knows what it is like from his work in the community. I can’t afford to buy a politician for $5 million, but he can hear our voices and understands our needs. And I don’t believe for a second that he will forget my voice the minute he walks out of my state during his campaigning.

    I believe in Obama. I believe in his ability to bring about change to our country and restore us to prosperity. I believe that I finally understand what our founding fathers had in mind and meant for our government to be.

    Obama, you have my vote, and my sincere appreciation for standing up for what we all want to believe in, but have been told to not hold our breath waiting to occur.

    This race is not about black or white, male for female. I’m crossing all lines and voting for Obama, because this race is about the issues and who can actually bring this country together under one voice and make the American dream possible for every citizen, not just those that were born more fortunate than others.

  4. Richard Rickard, Jr. says:

    This will be only the 3rd Presidential Election that I will have voted in. My first election was in 2000, and I voted for Al Gore. I simply voted how my parents voted. I sat by the television and watched with fascination the drama that unfolded. Knowing that George W. Bush was going to be the President, I decided to examine Republicans more closely. I realized I shared a lot of common principles with them. In 2004, I officially switched to the Republican Party. However, after watching my Republican Governor (Bob Taft) get indicted, and seeing what Republicans are doing in the House and Senate, not to mention the White House, I was disheartened. In 2006, I could not decide who to vote for Governor. It was simply, in my opinion, two bad choices. I decided that day to never again feel uncomfortable about who I was voting for. I was going to choose a candidate that I could support no matter what. I found him. Barack Obama, who has the leadership and the ideals to bring this nation together. He will pull us from Iraq, create jobs, provide health care, and most importantly empower us to succeed. It is with great pride that I will vote for Barack Obama on March 4 in our primary, and in the November General Election.

  5. Jenne Barbour says:

    I’m a lifelong Republican and daughter of a former officeholder, and trust me, voting for ANY Democrat, even as fantastic a candidate as Sen. Obama is, isn’t exactly something I’d have talked too loudly about at family gatherings before now!

    I’m a wife, working mother of two, and over time, have grown more libertarian [truly] in my social views, more liberal in my approach to the environment, though remaining fiscally conservative. The party of my youth abandoned me as it has grown over the past decade or so into a party of a very few issues, none as important as the challenges that face all of us today, not just “us” or “them.” We’ve watched so much fighting to win and not much fighting for change. And it’s time indeed we did change.

    Obama offers us ALL the opportunity to rise up, take a stand, and have a say. For so long, even those of us that grew up understanding the system and knowing all too well how the game was played just grew apathetic – why bother? Nothing would change, right? It would be the same ol’ barfight tomorrow, and next election cycle. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can all be involved. We can all play a part. We can finally recognize the beauty of the system our forefathers created and make it work to help solve our problems today. And YES, WE CAN do this. We must.

    My kids have made me see the world anew, and to see the dangers with fresh eyes. It is irresponsibility of the highest order not to do everything in our power not to make the world our children inherit a better place. And that means working through every issue we face with the spirit of cooperation and healthy debate, while never forgetting that we are all in this together, even if we disagree a bit from time to time on some of the finer points. We will set the best example for our children and for their children if we reset our course in this country, and ensure that they continue that proudest of American traditions – that of public service, in all its incarnations.

    I’m excited about this election cycle in a way I can’t remember being since I first voted. I feel how important this year is, how it will either grant us an amazing opportunity to truly change this country for the better, or to settle for the same tug-o-war and continue slipping down the slope.

    I’ve always respected Sen. McCain, but I continue to watch him sell his soul to the ultra-conservatives to get the support he’ll need in the coming months, and it’s heart-breaking. He sounds like such an angry old man, when he has always been a statesman we could count on to provide a voice of reason.

    And Hillary? Well, she thinks she knows better than everyone else, including her husband, and she will do NOTHING to further the idea of a woman President. In fact, she will likely set women back decades in the pursuit of that goal, regardless of their qualifications. She wants to win for herself, not for this country, and certainly not for us. She panders to voters – and especially to women – in the most offensive of ways. She wants her cake and to eat it, too, and she deserves a sound drubbing in the coming primaries. Her message is nothing new, and it’s nothing inspiring. And that is solely because she comes from a place of selfishness, and not one of hope, of dedication, and of resolve.

    Obama talks about all of us because he recognizes that no man or woman can do this alone, and that the office of President is to lead an entire nation – red states, blue states, men, women and children of all races, beliefs, orientations and views. It’s about all of us, it’s going to take all of us, and I believe he’s the only candidate out there that has any hope of helping all of us. He talks not of “us against them” but of us all against the challenges that face us as a country. And in its utter simplicity, it makes perfect sense as the only possible approach.

    I’m proud to vote for Senator Barack Obama this year. I’m not suggesting it’s converting me to the Democratic Party, but the beauty is, I don’t think Sen. Obama would suggest that it has to, either. 🙂

    GO OBAMA!!!!

  6. Dr. D says:

    Obama is the only candidate left who is truly anti-war and pro-peace.

    See: http://www.antiwarrepublicans.com/

    Obama is the nearest candidate to what the GOP originally stood for, like Lincoln, Eisenhower, and others and not like the neo-cons who have hijacked the GOP.

  7. ron roley says:

    I have been a faithful ardent fiscal conservative republican my whole life…until I opened myself up to being willing to be changed…to see that we do need to invest in our country, in our fellow citizens and in our government. I am a true Obomacan…and will vote only for him. I switched parties, and for the first time became a political activist.

  8. Notes from a Reasoning, Newly Renegade Republican
    I’ve been voting Republican since the second election I was eligible to vote in. I’m sixty years old now, so that’s a fair number of votes. My first election was my sole Democratic vote and I ascribe that to being nearly a rebellious teenager, and not yet owning anything nor having my own business. My perspective still came from the other end of the telescope.
    I’ve voted as a Republican all the subsequent years because of core principles I believe in deeply—and from which (for me) all specific political positions must be tested.
    —First, I believe that human beings are not only capable of helping themselves but thrive when asked to do so—and should be held self-responsible.
    —Second, all points of view and values must be respected and honored—even cherished— so that the country can benefit from the synergies of these combined contributions.
    —Third, the decisions made by our society have to be based more on the direct action and input of the populace rather than those of policy “experts” and the bureaucracy, because people can and should be trusted.
    —Last, government should do only those things that the populace cannot do for itself and should place the smallest economic and social burden possible on society in fulfilling their duties; i.e. the best government is the least government, and the best taxation is the least taxation.
    For many years the Republican Party was the greatest bulwark against increased bureaucracy and taxation. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, maintained that the government should act “in loco parentis” to the citizenry for all the misfortunes that life handed out. If you had a problem, then it seemed as though the Democrats wanted government to have the solution, and taxpayers to fund it. In the face of that reality, I voted Republican. From my perspective, government handouts weren’t solutions, but only short-term band aids. I didn’t want to facilitate dependence, not to mention helping my country collapse as creeping bureaucracy ground things to a halt.
    But things have changed in the last several administrations. While politicians have increasingly bickered and spent their time raising re-election money instead of doing their jobs, the bureaucracy has done what bureaucracies do—grown and seized more and more power. It is now firmly in charge. Opinion polls and lobbyists hold sway, resulting in shameful levels of earmarks from both parties and the blurring of political lines. Meanwhile, our healthcare system is completely inadequate. The way we manage immigration doesn’t work. Our educational system has children and teachers dropping out at record rates and doesn’t produce enough literate workers for businesses. The economy is erratic at best and has not kept up with global challenges. The national debt is terrifying. Social security is soon to go broke. Our multiple battle fronts—and ensuing veterans’ affairs—are clearly mismanaged (even if we ignore questions about the military incursions themselves). Climate change and other pressing global challenges are left unaddressed. And this is the short list.
    What has Congress and the Executive done in the face of these and many other grave dilemmas? Very little except to self-indulgently point fingers across the aisles and at each other. The few bills that have made it through the “process” are so gutted by compromise that they are ineffectual and so inflated by earmarks that they are horrendous monetary blimps, belching dollars as they float to the White House, hoping to avoid a veto.
    I’m sick of it. And I’m embarrassed by it. I’m ashamed of the elected representatives of my country who cannot get over their partisan self-interest and their fears about offending someone to truly address the serious problems we face in a constructive manner. And I am equally ashamed of my friends—from both parties—who behave just as immaturely as those congress-people and senators. My friends, usually compassionate and loving people, sit around and indulge in personal slurs about people who hold office because they are in political disagreement with them. Then, having “vented” , they smile at each other and nod and act self-satisfied. Listening to talk shows or reading “blogs” online is just as appalling. (Actually, the blogs are worse—at least the talk show people can justify their venom with the excuse that they are getting paid to stir up ill will.)
    Everyone needs to stop this crap. Impotent, frustrated posturing only increases the level of anger in every conversation and every dilemma. Each bitter word makes finding a solution more difficult. This is no way to run a country, or a productive society. We need action, not wasted, vituperative hot air. What this country critically needs is the inspirational and pragmatic leadership of Barack Obama—who as President will speak effectively to unity and competence. He has demonstrated that he has immense charisma and oratorical power. History has shown us that these are not small gifts, especially if they arrive at a time when society both needs and is ready to hear the words that call for change. Obama has arrived at this moment to help us create the shifts we need and from his record, it is clear that he will walk his talk. President Obama will expect more of himself, and more of each of us, and it is about time. Washington is broken, and needs to be fixed. The myriad problems of this nation must be faced constructively and openly and by all of us working together.
    Today—in this election—as a registered Republican, I believe that the basic principles in which I have always believed are best represented by the candidacy of Barack Obama. Active, creative democratic societies can only preserve themselves by continually dismantling and reinventing their bureaucracies, and only the vigorous involvement of the people themselves can accomplish this. This is what Barack Obama has called us to help him do. For Democrats it should be an easy choice. But for Republicans, it is a much more difficult charge that requires us to make a new discernment: instead of political positions, we must focus instead on our foundational principles. When we do this—when we love our country above our party—I believe that in this election we will want to join Barack Obama and try to bring genuine change to our government before it is too late.
    Most sincerely,
    Michelle Gaugy, Santa Fe, NM

  9. NeoThink says:

    I could vote for Obama if I felt he was more centrist on matters of taxation, spending, and fiscal discipline, and if I had a better sense that he would finish the job in Iraq. I was against the Iraq war in the beginning, but think that pulling out now would be immoral, unethical, and would probably lead to one of the worst genocidal civil wars this planet has ever seen.

    Other than these issues, I think Obama is a good man, a good speaker, and one of the more honest politicians I’ve encountered. But, as a Republican, I cannot give him my vote. If I felt he were stronger in the areas I mentioned, then I would, as I think he could potentially be a unifying voice for America.

  10. FIRST OF ALL, I’ve been a voting Republican for 25 yrs. Until I caucused for Obama in Iowa. I am a married, white woman 44 yrs old with 4 boys, one daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. I am a REALTOR and my husband has a great job with great benefitls. I voted for Obama because he possesses the LEADERSHIP SKILLS I believe our country needs to make it strong again. He motivates, however he also has substance behind him as well. I believe his policies are the right way to go. As I get older, I don’t feel it’s beneficial to any of us to only worry about ourselves. We must rethink the status quo. In fairness, the Republican party had many great qualities, I just don’t see them anymore.
    I am financially supporting the Obama campaign, too, which I used to finacially support the Republican Party. I won’t stay with the Democrats if Obama is not the nominee, and it is not that I dislike Hillary, but I’d rather have McCain (if he stops pandering to the FAR RIGHT~oh that is really bugging me!) who I believe is more like OBAMA if he just stops acting like he’s acting.
    I HOPE AND PRAY OBAMA is the nominee, because I believe he is the one we need!
    I just love him!!!

  11. Jeff Martin says:

    I am a life long Republican who changed registration to vote in the Md primary for Obama, who maxed out in donating to his primary campaign and canvassed my neighborhood for him.
    Obama is right about he poverty of our politics , right about Iraq, and I like and trust him.
    I am hopeful he will, if elected , go beyond partisan orthodoxy in crafting policies.

  12. S. Griffin says:

    Hello fellow Obamacans! I am a 36 year old, white mother of three living in an ultra liberal area in the Pacific Northwest. However, I grew up in concervative Orange County, CA & am the daughter of 2 Republicans. Like most Gen-Xers, for my first election (1992) I rebeled against my parents & voted for Clinton. 4 years later I learned a little more about MY true core beliefs and have voted Republican since. Now, I agree with many of the other people who have posted here. I am faced with my childrens future & I believe if we continue on the road the current administration is on that future will be more of the same & that is unacceptable. Thank God for Obama! I now have hope for change & the only reason I have that hope is because I truely believe when Barack Obama is elected he will turn America around & help us reclaim Super-power status. Sen. Obama is not only able to speak to the masses and touch each and every listener but his stance on the issues inspire me as well. I believe Obama will be effective in uniting Washington and will change the way the rest of the world view America. YES! We can! I am proud to be an Obamacan!

  13. Rick Petry says:

    I have voted Republican for 30 years. I began this election cycle by supporting Rudy Guiliani. While I certainly agree his campaign was grossly mismanaged, I have been appalled and irritated at his villification for taking any position contrary to the far right. Now the same thing is happening to John McCain.

    I acknowledge Obama is a leap of faith. But what politician isn’t? When I think of my children and the sort of world I want them to inherit, I am willing to set aside economic self-interest and some differences of opinion in the service of unity and the hope Obama represents. Clearly there are a good many people who feel the same way.

    The extreme right will characterize our support as being superficial; that somehow we are dimwits seduced by oratory and style. Or that we aren’t true Republicans; really closet liberals, wishy-washy, whatever.

    On the contrary, I believe we are a growing force that refuses to be defined by one issue, that realizes our world is complex and therefore requires an open-mindedness. Perhaps we desire a more inclusive, better world for our children. The devisive rancor that populates shouting matches on talk radio and TV personifies the sort of intellectual gridlock that may make for good TV, but paralyzes Washington and drowns any attempts to have a thoughtful national discourse in a tsunami of negativity. We are fed up with it.

    We believe we have more in common than what separates all of us as Americans. When people say “what is this HOPE you speak of?” like it’s some sort of nebulous ideal, this is what we are referring to. An emphasis on our commonalities, our common goals and the chance to stand together unified versus a repeated poke in the eye that blinds as we stumble toward our future.

    Why is that so crazy?

  14. S. Griffin says:

    Michelle from Santa Fe, would you consider being Obama’s running mate? Your post brought tears to my eyes & reason to my ears! Truer words have not been written! Blessings,
    S. Griffin ~ registered Republican in Oregon

  15. Barbara says:

    I’m tired of a Republican Party that’s no longer conservative in almost any respect. If my choices are “tax and spend” with the Democrats, or “spend and spend” with the Republicans, I’ll vote blue.

    I don’t think Obama or his policies are infallible. But I do think he’s the right man with the right direction for our country right now.


    head blogger

  16. Heaven help us all.

    Self described, conservative, life-long, ardent, true blue Republicans are committing to vote for Barack Obama. He is everything that life-long, ardent, true-blue, conservative Republicans have always opposed and, to the extent there are many of us left, still oppose.

    Thus, while I appreciate and support all of your rights to change your mind and vote your conscience, please have the intellectual integrity to also tell the world that you are no longer a life-long, ardent, true-blue, conservative Republican. You have become a short-term, brand new, reactionary, foundationless Democrat.

    There is no such thing as an Obamacan. Unless words stop meaning things. The good Senator is a fine man but his entire campaign consists of nothing but rhetoric and the few specifics he has offered, such as meeting with the very murderers who would like nothing more than to murder him and all of us, ARE fresh. They are also incontestably bad for the country. At least, that’s what Republicans used to believe.

  17. Elaine says:

    I have been a registered Republican for 35 yrs. The last time I voted Democrat was Jimmy Carter. I feel that Obama’s ideas ARE solutions. God knows HIllary’s “solutions” are one note and just a continuation of lack of ethics, more PAC money , bowing to special interests, and Bill’s getting in through the back door as co-president. One of the reasons I am pro-Obama is that he does give specifics as well as rhetoric, but principally it is his ability to inspire the people, to realize that one can have a better tomorrow by all pulling together rather than the politics of devisiveness (Hillary Clinton’s specialty). That does not mean he has to sit there and take abuse, however; it does mean that he is an honest, decent human being not yet tainted by the Washingoton insiders. McCain is just a continuation of Bush. I knew him in Arizona when he called the people who lived at Leisure World (Mesa) Seizure World and laughed. Cindy McCain has had many drug problems in the past so I am sure McCain would not smear Obama with past drug use. Nowadays it happens to kids growing up as we all know (that is not to say it is right, more like experimentation in most cases). John McCain, although a former hero, has nothing new to contribute, just more of the same. I will, however, swallow hard and vote for McCain if Obama is not nominated. Many RepublicasI know feel that way. The Clintons are really hard to take and under no circumstances will I vote for them.

  18. Jimbo says:

    I was a caucus clerk!

    Maybe that isn’t a big deal to some, but I grew up in a very Christian (and for some obligatory reason, Republican) household. For all my voting life I’ve gone with the pro-life candidate. It was a formula of experience and misguided perceptions that made me anti-Democrat–a condition far too many suffer from on both sides of the aisle in our country.

    Then came Barack Obama.

    My wife (of four months) is quite the opposite from me politically, and loved The Audacity of Hope. This is what started my introduction to the man. After a period of research and observation, he completely won me over.

    I’d become cynical about the whole process of electing a President when none of the options seemed worthy. I voted for Bush twice, the first time because I thought he was a man of high character, the second time because I was afraid of John Kerry. I was wrong on both accounts.

    Today my main concern is progress. Not “this” healthcare plan versus “that” one. I don’t even care about taxes anymore IF they are used wisely. I do trust McCain is a worthwhile nominee, and would normally support him in a big way. However, the key to Barack Obama is his genuine style, brilliant political aptitude, and leadership. He is the only candidate I feel can bridge the gap of partisan gridlock to start addressing our nations growing problems.

    For this reason, I’ve been more involved in politics than ever. I’ve contributed money for the first time in my life. I even left my house to participate politically for the first time as well–formerly had always done absentee ballot. In Washington I was fortunate enough to experience a caucus. The people were warm and welcoming. Even after admitting my two Bush votes, they still let me be my precinct clerk and tally the votes! For the first time I can remember, I was proud to vote and felt that my vote mattered.

    In recent administrations it seems their Presidency ends with half the country either rejoicing or, at best, expressing relief. It is time we had a Commander-in-Chief who is loved and admired by more than just their “base.” I cannot imagine a better person for the job than Barack Obama. He has already brought about change for this citizen. I’ve given up any bad impressions toward the Democrat party, fallen in love with my right to vote, and am amazed I wound up on February 9th, 2008 as a precinct clerk in a Democrat caucus!

    I trust the man with my tax dollars.
    I trust him to be a distinguished voice for us in the world.
    I trust him to enact substantive fixes for our problems, even at the risk of failure.
    I trust that he will make me, and most of America, proud of their President.

    Thank you for allowing my voice to be heard.

  19. Jenne Barbour says:

    Wow, “bluecollarmuse.”

    I wonder how you ended up posting here. Either you’re not as solid in your own professed beliefs and are shopping around a bit more than you’d like to admit, or you’re still as fist-poundingly “Republican” as you’d like us to believe and are, perhaps, a bit concerned that the Grand Ol’ Party might actually be getting a bit smaller as the music plays on.

    Funny, I think, that you even opted not to use your real name while dressing down those of us that choose to break ranks with our party, at least for this race. I don’t think we’re suggesting that we won’t ever return to the GOP when it finally comes to its senses, we’re very simply thinking outside the box.

    Blindly marrying oneself to any party means that you can only subscribe to one of two ideologies, and truly, isn’t that the most ignorant choice of all? That’s what we’re suggesting – that perhaps it’s not a question of red v. blue or Republican v. Democrat, but of change and growth v. same ol’ same ol’.

    You bring up an interesting point. Words do have meanings, and “Obamacan” is no different. As you’ll note, it’s both a compound word, derived from “Obama” and “Republican,” denoting the life-long, ardent, true-blue Republicans that support his candidacy for the office of President of the United States, and also derived from the words “Obama” and “can,” denoting the very base function of change of which Sen. Obama is uniquely capable in this election cycle, and which NONE of the other remaining candidates in either major party are suited to provide.

    Keep up with the fist-pounding, though. It might come in handy when you and those like you finally look around and wonder where the hell everyone else went.


  20. Robert Weisenburn says:

    Republicans used to believe *in* alot of things: We believed in a new tone in Washington, we believed we were doing the right thing in Iraq, we believed our congressman could get the work of the people done instead of worrying about staying in office, we believed that they would be fiscally responsible. . . The list could go on and on.

    I am supporting Barack Obama because it is time to break the chains in Washington; its time to say goodbye to the same old cast of players, its time to end the cronyism, its time to end the stranglehold of special interests, its time to give a President a true mandate to set a new course, its time to bring those who have been historically repressed in this nation to the forefront and have their grievances addressed, its time to stop pretending that we are the lone superpower, its time to rethink our diplomacy, its time to repair our image in the world. Need I add more?

    My friends, there is nothing more Republican than doing everything in our power to ensure that this Nation is preserved for future generations. The 21st century has handed us some very complex issues to resolve and our current leadership has failed us miserably. We cannot continue down the path that John McCain wants to take us. We need to take this Nation back for the people, and at the same time, bring more people into the process, and give a President a true mandate for the first time in a very, very long time.

    We must derail the current course of the Republican party, and we must finally put a stop to the ultra left and right wing political warfare that has seiged Washington for the last few decades. We need to bring sensibility and unity back to our Government.

    I will put my trust in Obama, and I will put my gladly pull the lever for real change for this Nation in November.

  21. Jenne –

    Actually, I use the name Blue Collar Muse almost everywhere I write, post or comment. It’s my pen name and the name of my blog. My real name isn’t that hard to find if you are interested.

    Contrary to your insinuations, I’m not all that happy with the GOP at the moment and haven’t been for some time. I’m far from alone in feeling that way. I’m far more of a Conservative than a Republican. As such, I have no fear or problems associating or hanging around in forums and such that are antithetical to what I believe.

    My point in commenting here was to wonder at what you all purport to believe. It cannot be truly Republican ideals or you could not, in good conscience, vote for Obama. For that matter, and addressing our earlier conversation, neither could you vote for McCain.

    Senator Obama is, no doubt, a fine man, a good father and a loving husband. He is also, absolutely clueless and unqualified to be President beyond his ability to give a great speech. Even his speeches, when actually parsed, fall apart when examined even superficially. As an example of what I mean, I refer you to the post at my blog titled ‘The Death of an Obasm’. It’s not my work but I wish it was. It is a fantastic example of how shallow Obama is.

    One of the most incredible things about this country is our ability to allow others to vote their conscience without the country coming to an end. Thus, you are all free to vote for whoever you deem best. But please don’t try and sell me the bill of goods that you used to be great Republicans but are now so disenfranchised and/or desperate for good leadership that you are voting for BHO.

    That dog won’t hunt. You are likely nominal Republicans or GOP by family tradition or marriage or any one of a host of other reasons other than the only one that matters – that the policies of the GOP best represent your values. Things like lower taxes, smaller government, strong defense and so on. Obama believes in none of these and no Republican worth his salt does either.

    Unfortunately, many politicians in the GOP don’t either. That failing extends into the White House. The answer for Republicans who hate what they see isn’t to vote for Obama. It’s to work harder, smarter and longer so that there is a GOP candidate who is sufficiently Republican for Republicans to vote for. Neither Obama or McCain would fit that bill.


    Blue Collar Muse

  22. Mark J. Leskowits says:

    While I’m not here to bash people for their beliefs, I must say IGNORANCE is bliss. Barack Obama is the first candidate in my lifetime (45 years) who has influenced me to cross party lines as a registered Republican. Here in N.Y.,I could not vote in the N.Y. Democratic primary. I am now trying my hardest to get the word out around the country to enlighten people who don’t know about Barack, to at least listen & learn about him….. It would be terrific if closed minded people & the people who cannot seem to pull away from their paternal or long time family beliefs , to at least see , hear, & learn about him. Barack will speak for himself…. people just need to listen…. Our object here is not to persuade strong hold opposers , but to gain neutral, undecided, & influential voters! Please join to show the world that there are Republicans who indeed do support Barack Obama & we are not trying to distance ourselves or seperate ourselves from Democrats, Republicans, or any other party, but to be united as “Americans for Obama” !!!! YES , WE CAN

  23. Steve Coy says:

    I am going out on a limb here. I am a longtime registered republican, a business owner, and most of my customers, colleagues, and coworkers are republicans too. I believe in the traditional conservative ideas of small government, fiscal conservatism, entrepreneurship, and personal responsibility. I am a scientist, and I have devoted my career to military research; I believe a strong military is vital to security of our nation, and indeed the world. I am a lot closer to pro-life than pro-choice. And on a personal level, if the Bush tax cuts are rolled back, it will hurt me right in the wallet.

    I am a 46 year old upper middle class white male conservative. I am a patriot. And I am proud to support Barack Obama. For the first time in my life, instead of bemoaning the poor choices our electoral process so often offers us, I am excited to have the opportunity to give my support to a candidate that inspires real hope, and has, I think, the ability to deliver on it. Barack Obama has already demonstrated a truly astonishing ability to bring Americans of all stripes together, and that is precisely what it will take to bring about the kinds of changes this country so desperately needs. Hillary Clinton cannot do that, John McCain cannot do that; indeed very few leaders are given that rare gift. It’s not just the soaring oratory, although that is an important part, but it is the content of his message, and the consistently convincing conviction with which it is delivered, that makes people believe. That makes me believe. A lesser leader could mouth the same words, and it would leave me cold.

    After I made the decision to support Obama, when I first began to speak to some of my republican friends and colleagues about that decision, I was more than a little nervous about the reaction I would receive. I expected surprise, disbelief, even derision, but what I got, for the most part, were nods of understanding. Even those who would never vote for a democrat are impressed by him. Surprisingly many told me they were seriously thinking of voting for him, the first time they had ever even considered voting for a democrat. In contrast, not one single one of them would ever consider voting for Hillary Clinton.

    One acquaintance, who happens to be the head of the GOP in his state, told me that he was “scared to death” of the idea of having to face Obama in the general election, so much so that he said “Go Hillary!” only half jokingly. Most republicans I’ve talked to are convinced that if Obama wins the democratic nomination, he will easily defeat McCain in the general election; some, the “Obamacans” like me, are happy about that fact, some are unhappy about it, but we all believe it.

    All that said, much as I admire Obama, he is not my ideal candidate. I remain a conservative, whereas he is a liberal, and I am sure that I will disagree with some of the changes he will seek to bring about. On the other hand, I do believe Obama when he says that he will seek to build unity, reach across the aisle, and to work with republicans as well as democrats, conservatives as well as liberals, and if he does that, he will necessarily have to move toward the center. It is true that he is relatively young, and relatively new to the national stage, so we can only guess if his presidency will live up the hope he has inspired. That is setting the bar awfully high, but strangely, I think he just might do it. I think Barack Obama could become our next great president, and lord knows we sorely need one. There is still room on Mount Rushmore, isn’t there?

    Steve Coy
    Los Ranchos de Albuquerque
    New Mexico, USA

  24. Bruce Rogers says:

    I’ve been a registered Republican for twelve years. I changed my party affiliation briefly to vote for Obama in the Democrats Abroad primary, though I will make sure that I’m registered GOP again when I move back to the U.S.

    I’m a fiscal conservative, and John McCain is my guy. However, even though Obama is more of a free-spender than I would like, I will vote for him in the general election if I have a chance, even over McCain, who I have supported for years.

    Barack Obama’s speeches are great, but it’s the ideas beneath the great delivery that impress me. Our politics have been particularly nasty and divisive for the last sixteen years. The two parties sometimes are more eager to score points than to create policies that are good for the nation. Ideologues on both sides talk past one another instead of being open to learning from one another.

    Obama is promising us a path that honors our differences of opinion and gets us talking to and respecting one another again. That’s what I especially like about the guy. He’s calling us to bring the best of ourselves to the national conversation.

    Obama makes me feel the way that Reagan made me feel, only more so. Here’s a product of the best in America. Here’s someone who is calling to us, even when we disagree, to be more aware of what we hold in common than of what separates us.

    If he’s the nominee, I will vote for him, though I’ll be voting for Republicans on most of the rest of the ballot. He’ll need some fiscal conservatives in the Congress. (If there are any left in the GOP after what Bush has done to our priorities.) But he’ll be able to work with a Republican congress, and I think McCain would work with a Democratic congress.

    And if Obama doesn’t get the nomination, well, then I get my wish for a President John McCain, just eight years later than I wanted!

    Bruce Rogers
    Kensal Rise, London, England

  25. Julie H. says:

    I posted this on another website and was asked to post ‘something’ here.

    I just wanted to ask each of us to consider the potential we have in this election. I would be quick to suggest that approaching the Republicans we know and telling them of our support for Barack Obama may be a bit gutsy! However, presenting how impressed we’ve become and why to the outside world is not only ‘safer’ and easier but it’s very well received.

    Letters to the editor in newspapers are popular ways to get in front of a well educated, older demographic even today. Not to say younger voters don’t read the paper but they are far more likely to listen to comments they find on websites with blogging and forums. The really great thing is that most of the newspaper websites I’ve come across have all three…so in a matter of a minute, you can submit a letter to the editor (that you’ve already written and edited to 200 words or less), make it less formal (remove the header and maybe the closing) and post it to the blog and/or forum.. You can even comment on other blogs.

    Your voice, as Republicans who have found in Obama a candidate you can support, is quite possibly the strongest tool any volunteer helping Obama can have. Not just in swaying voters but in helping to illustrate how Obama addresses the divide that has taken place in this country as a result of recent politics.

    Please consider lending your voice to the debate going on in newspaper websites across the country. Even if you are not local to that area.

    If you would like a link to a newspaper site in Texas – let me know, I’ve already collected them. I will be working on Ohio and the others in the next couple days.


  26. BR-Wisconsin says:

    Hello Obamacans from Wisconsin,

    I am a Conservative, Born Again Christians, here in Wisconsin, who voted for Obama, in the Primary. And we won over Mrs. Billie Clinton. Now I am struggling as a Conservative Born Again Christian who has always voted Republican with voting for Obama as President. I do not see anything that interest me in the Republican party. Obama is a minority like me. I do not agree with everything he believes in. I do not believe that God is a Republican. He is not Democratic either. We are free to vote, because God has made us free. He will bring to power who He wants to bring to power. I believe it will be Obama. If I understand the Bible, in the book of Daniel, God’s Word says that “He is the one that brings people into Power, not us! Read Daniel 2:20-21, Daniel 2:17, Daniel 4:25 etc. Unless the Republican Party can come up with someone like Obama before November, I will be voting for Obama, not as a democrate but as an hispanic minority, conservative Born Again Christian, who believe’s in God’s Word, and understand’s that God is in Control, not me. Come join the rebellion, at:www.republicansforobama.org. Email me at broman42@yahoo.com if you have any questions. See ya,


  27. Jim Robbins says:

    This is Jim Robbins. As an independent voter in Ohio I realize the significance of my vote in a presidential election and take this responsibility seriously. I will be voting in the Democratic primary for Senator Obama, but will be voting for John McCain in the fall if Senator Clinton is the Democratic nominee. I know I am not alone.

    Despite their policy differences, both Senators Obama and McCain have taken similar political risks reforming our political system. Their ethics reform and campaign finance reform laws and current work on transparency in the legislative process and the elimination of earmarks speak to their integrity and character.

    From early on in this campaign I have been impressed by Barack Obama’s “big tent” policy — the openness for free communication on the Obama site regardless of your position or political persuasion. If you have not yet done so, please go to the Obama site to see this first hand. Unfortunately, the Clinton site is the polar opposite. No one is able to post a comment or communicate with other Clinton supporters on the site without being censured. After the SC primary I went to the Clinton site and attempted to comment that Sen. Clinton does not need to go negative. I said that it had backfired in SC, was unnecessary and sited her specific strengths in a positive campaign. You will not find this or any other comments against negative campaigning. Not because they were never made – because they have all been discarded. How can any candidate systematically turn away potential supporters and expect to build a coalition to win in November?

    This is a symptom of a much larger problem – the high negatives for Senator Clinton. If Sen. Clinton is successful in gaining the Democratic nomination she will not only energize Republicans on the far right to vote against her in record numbers, but will also drive Independents like me to vote for John McCain. Today we have another choice. Barack Obama is inspiring a broad coalition of voters in a movement of hope I urge you to join.

    Thank you,
    Jim Robbins

  28. David Brantley says:

    As a former Foreign Service Officer responsible for promoting “Made in USA” (U.S. exports) abroad, I must salute Obama’s comment last night about bad trade agreements (e.g. NAFTA) and recognize the poll data that showed that a majority of Wisconsin voters believe trade and trade agreements have lost more jobs than jobs gained. After years of observing the practice of “free trade,” I am of the opinion that many “globalized” U.S. multi-nationals are only loyal to the interests of Wall Street and not the interests of most Americans.

    Since our trade balance first began hitting red ink in the 1980s, I have watched each successive administration and its big business U.S. Chamber of Commerce cronies export good jobs rather than U.S. manufactured products. We were told “Don’t worry about the loss of manufacturing because those jobs will be replaced by high tech and high-paying service jobs.” Nowadays, even those sectors are running large deficits because of free trade policies friendly to outsourcing, unlimited illegal immigration, and incentives for low-wage production overseas. Is anyone reminded of a “giant sucking sound?”

    I have been a Republican for 40 years, but have no confidence that McCain or Clinton will do anything differently from those failed and false “Free Trade” policies of current and past administrations. Questioning those policies, of course, will be met by a chorus of globalization CEO’s and special interests chanting their well-rehearsed “protectionism,” “isolationist,” and “Taft-Hartley” mantras. One should note, however, how few small American businesses belong to that chorus.

    Obama has the courage to say “Fair Trade” in which the interests of the average American count for at least as much as the multin-national CEOs and globalization zealots. “Fair Trade” is sound economic policy, and will lead to reviving American industry, spurring innovation, and the return of good paying jobs. That is why I am an Obamacan.

  29. I am not a New Yorker and I don’t currently even live in the states, but I will be voting absentee in the Texas primary on March 4th. I am a lifelong Republican and have been writing a weekly newspaper opinion column for the last year and a half here in Dublin Ireland, the most pro-Clinton country in Europe (and maybe the entire world). I have also been writing in support of Senator Obama for more than a year and well before he announced he was running for President.

    But when I saw last week’s column I asked my editor what he was doing inserting the Obama for President banner in the middle of it and his reply was that I had converted everyone at the paper from Hillary supporters into Obama supporters. The insertion was the staff’s way of showing their support. Too bad none of them can vote in the election though.

    I have also made several appearances on RTE Radio 1 and RTE TV 2 as an American Republican political analyst and commentator as well as an advocate for Senator Obama and counterpoint to Linda Ferren (an Irish HRC backer who threw a 300,000 euro fundraiser for HRC in Dublin last year). Linda and I have actually become friends since our last confrontation on the TV show Questions and Answers (on January 14th) tho I haven’t converted her…YET!

    My weekly newspaper opinion column’s byline is Republican Politics American Style in “The World at Home” section of the Metro Eireann newspaper. Past editions of the paper are available on-line at http://www.metroeireann.com and my column archives are available on-line at http://www.republicanpoliticsamericanstyle.blogspot.com or as part of my blog on myspace at http://www.myspace.com/charleslaffiteau if you want to read what I have to say about the Senator.

    I am off to Berlin tommorow for an international conference I am giving a presentation at Friday morning and won’t be back in Dublin till Monday evening. I hope the story is a hit with other Republicans and Independents and that the attached photo of last weeks Irish newspaper column brings a smile to some Republican faces. Cheers.

    charles laffiteau

  30. Russell Post says:

    I was born in New York City 71 years ago.

    I am a life-long Republican.
    I am a life-long Republican. There, I said it again.

    I admit I voted for Nixon in 1960 and for every Republican candidate for President since that time.

    I was a Republican member of the Connecticut House of Representatives
    I was a Republican Senator in the Connecticut Senate
    I was a Republican leader of the Connecticut Senate
    I was a Republican candidate for Governor of Connecticut
    I was chairman of GOP-84 – the successful effort to regain control of the Connecticut House and Senate for Republicans
    I was an Alternate to the 1976 Republican Convention (Kansas City)
    I was a delegate to the 1980 Republican National Convention (Detroit)
    I was a delegate to the 1984 Republican National Convention (Dallas)

    Days before the 2008 caucus in Washington State where I have lived for over 15 years, I switched my voter registration to become a democrat. My sole purpose in doing so was to have the chance to vote for Barack Obama.

    It is the first time in my 71 years where I have been truly excited about a presidential candidate. Time to turn the page.


  31. Jenne Barbour says:

    Dear friend BCM,

    While I initially felt that your post was simply your attempt to drive more traffic to your blog [and I kinda still think it is], and I wouldn’t take the bait by clicking through, I did just that after my response to you, and saw that it’s your nom de plume. It’s simply not important enough to me to “unmask” you, as it were, by spending time researching your name, so I’ll say again that I think you find it both safer and more convenient to critique us all from behind the curtain.

    Again, I find it odd that you continue to tell all of us who have been lifelong Republicans – whether you agree with us or not – that we simply aren’t, never have been, and good riddance to us. This is exactly the problem, BCM. Neither party will continue to thrive by insisting that its supporters swear on their mother’s life that they accept, blindly, any and all elements of its platform and to castigate anyone who disagrees. You continue to insist that we’re all secretly closet liberals and weren’t much for the GOP to lose anyway. And I hope that belief comforts you when the election results tick in this November. Good riddance to those dirty Obamacans, right?

    Here’s the deal. I think if you read the various stories here, you’ll find that many of us admit that we don’t 100% agree with every single point on Obama’s platform. Indeed, many of his beliefs would fly in the face of typical Republican values. But that’s OK. On the whole, the man offers us a new direction. And he’s smart enough to realize that he does not have every answer we’ll need, but he’s damn well ready to dive in and work with all of us to figure it out. And that’s honesty that we simply aren’t getting from any other candidate in the race on either side. He offers us hope, he offers us a campaign run in a more respectful way than we’ve seen in a great number of years, and he offers us true involvement, bottom-up.

    But please, do not, under any circumstances, continue to insult the fine people who are stepping forward on behalf of Sen. Obama by telling us we are not Republicans and never have been. As I type this, I can see directly above this form a post from Russell Post, and his distinguished political resume. I would dare say that you would be quite challenged to successfully argue with this fine gentleman the validity of his political heritage. You do no favors to the GOP with that behavior, and you only continue to prove our point.

    Best wishes to you on continuing to drive traffic to your blog, and GO OBAMA!

  32. Vanessa Calderon, RN says:

    I have been a dedicated Republican all my life. Ronald Reagan moved me when I was a child and I always admired him for his ability to bring people together. Now there is a presidential candidate whose entire record as a public servant proves that he is also a genuine and passionate unifier. His personal family history is one that reflects and mirrors the beautiful diversity of our country. His vision of America is the same as the vision of our founding fathers and those men who wrote and signed our Constitution. He is a protector and guardian of the basic values that our Constitution affords us. And he is a Democrat.

    I will continue to campaign and will vote for Barack Obama because I am an American who relates to and appreciates another true American, just as I appreciated and would have voted for Ronald Reagan had I been old enough to do so.

    Division must take a back seat in times of tension and difficulty in both domestic and foreign affairs. Political parties mean nothing, fixing what is wrong in this country means everything. Finally we have a candidate who unifies, inspires and believes that the true power lies within the group itself and is not exclusive to its leader, or even its political party.

    As a mother, as a registered nurse, as a small business ooperator, as a Republican, and as an American, I am campaigning for and will vote for Barack Obama.

  33. Sen. Obama is the first democrat I have ever supported. I have been an Independent/Republican all my life. I am proud to remain a Republican and I am prouder still to support someone I wholeheartedly believe in as a person. I believe Sen. Obama can truly unite the country and break down “party walls” to bring harmony to this country.

  34. Lauretta Jenkins says:

    I started my adult voting life as an independent, switching to Republican in 1965, when I moved to Washington DC and saw the deplorable condition of a city that was so heavily invested in one party politics. The Republican party has lost its way in the last years, abandoning principles and the Constitution itself. I thought I might never see in my lifetime another candidate I could support, but I find in Barack Obama that candidate. He is willing to listen, to work with people. He is not afraid of differences, ideas, other smart people around him. And I think he is willing to submit himself to the rule of law, and uphold our Constitution. We need a stirring of the lethargy and indifference that has grown into a culture of ‘me-ism’ in this country. As a people, we need to involve ourselves in the solutions to the problems we are facing. With a leader like Obama, I feel I can get into working WITH somebody again. I will no longer feel that the lonely voice in the wilderness. THANKS Barack Obama for standing up!

  35. Joan says:

    I am a life long democrat. Despite my differences with the party on the social conservative issues, I have remained faithful. I have waited for the candidate that would bring unity to the greatly diverse people of our country on the issues that affect us all as Americams…the economy, heathcare, social security….We have so much in common…yet our differences have been what is fostered and supported. Ethnic and gender pride to celebrate traditions are one thing, but to use them to divide and destroy hope is quite another.

    I am so moved that with Obama’s candidacy, we as Americans are coming together again, moved beyond our differences to the re-awakening of the American principles…that respecting our differences have made our country great…but unity will make us greater…..

    I am thrilled to unite with Obamacans to build a strong bridge to a government for all people and by all people.


  36. peter says:

    Norway for Obama!!


    The World is Watching..

  37. Julian Bond says:

    As a Generation X’er, Christian, husband, father of four, taxpayer, Veteran of OIF, homeowner, taxpayer and currently serving in the armed forces my VOTE WILL NOT BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED. I applaud Republicans that do not suffer from tunnel vision and are multifunctional polictical thinkers. I am backing Obama because his movement represents change, subsequently when he becomes President of the USA his vision must be sustained and replicated. He truly represents Political Interoperability!

    RFO – Republican For Obama and an American for Obama!

  38. Was it just me or did you notice that after having McCain’s all but finished opponent “Huck” on last week, (a guy who is funny with his sense of self-depracting humor) Hillary was paired with Giuliani on last night’s SNL. Both were viewed as the likely nominees and were leading all national polls just 3 months ago. SNL is only asking the “losers” to appear on the show.

    The cartoon was just a semi-humorous way of pointing out the truth in that Obama excludes supporters from campaigning with him who symbolize the divisive politics of past years. I saw last night as SNL’s endorsement of Barack as the winner and Hillary as the loser. The show also featured a popular band (Wilco) that is well know as bigtime Obama fans. Read between the lines.

  39. Here is a sample of the spin the Irish and American ex-pats get over here in Ireland. Following is a quote from an half page political analysis piece speculating about Hillary’s chances for a “Third Lazarus-like rebound” that ran in the Weekend Irish Times and was written by their Washington correspondent, Denis Staunton:

    ” She was counted out before New Hampshire and again ahead of Super Tuesday, when polls predicted huge losses in key states including California, Massachusetts and New Jersey. Clinton won all those states slowing Barack Obama’s march towards the nomination.”

    EXCUSE ME PLEASE! Did anyone else in the US see the polls Denis is refering to. The ones that predicted HUGE LOSSES FOR CLINTON IN CALIFORNIA, MASSACHUSETTS AND NEW JERSEY. Hillary likes to complain about media bias but believe you me, she doesn’t have a clue what true media bias is really like.

    Anywho I plan to mention Denis’s LACK of credible polling analysis when I am on the air from 10-12noon on Ireland’s national radio broadcaster RTE Radio 1’s Today with Pat Kenny tommorow in a preview of Tuesday’s primary for the folks here in Ireland.

    Here is the link if you want to listen http://www.rte.ie/radio1/todaywithpatkenny/

    The show is on at 10am GMT which is 5 hours ahead of New York and 6 hours ahead of Dallas time so try the podcast if thats too early for ya. I have also done my part by voting absentee for Barack in the Texas Democratic primary. First time ever to vote in a Democratic primary so this joins the list of things I swore I would never do, but have.

    BTW In my newspaper column last Thursday and on the radio tommorow, I am predicting a win for Barack in Texas and Vermont and a close finish if he doesn’t win in Ohio and Rhode Island. I am also predicting that he widens his delegate lead over Clinton when all the votes are in even if Hillary does win Ohio and Rhode Island.

    Now lets get out the vote and make my predictions stand up. Go Barack Obama!

  40. R. Kevin Hill says:

    Somewhere, Abraham Lincoln is smiling.

  41. Chuck Lasker says:

    I have been a Republican for 27 years – since voting age. I voted for Reagan, Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush. During the 2004 election, I campaigned heavily for Bush over Kerry, usually with old school dirty tactics, even creating a bunny ears photo when Kerry’s picture in a clean suit came out. With one brother a strong conservative, and the other a liberal, our family email exchanges were pretty heated.

    My dedication was beginning to wane even during that election, though. I was against Kerry, not for Bush. I was uncomfortable with the Patriot Act, with Gitmo, with how the administration was strong-arming friendly nations into submitting to our will. And the war in Iraq had already shown signs of not going according to plan. But I held on to the hope that Bush/Cheney and Company knew something I didn’t, and that it would all work out in the end. I also thought Kerry was weak, and the “politics of fear” worked well on me at the time.

    As Iraq continued to erode, and as the economy continued to worsen, especially while wealth was moving more and more into the hands of a very few wealthy individuals, I gave up. I realized that the Republicans in power, and the lobbyist machine behind them, have betrayed the principles of the Republican Party, the principles of smaller government, freedom, and free enterprise. But was it just a Bush thing, or a Republican thing? Looking at voting records, I realized it was a Republican thing.

    As time moved on, and I read more of Obama’s views, I started to understand that he is not a “normal” liberal, nor is he able to be easily put into any classification. What Obama is, is thoughtful. He doesn’t grab whatever issue is politically expedient, or stick to an idea because he “always has.” His views have been honed and developed through real world experience and a student-level curiousity. I have moved heavily towards many of his views, although we still disagree on a few.

    A year and a half ago, I read Barack Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope. I’d seen him speak, thought he was interesting, and grabbed his book. The book revealed a highly intelligent, thoughtful, partriotic individual who truly believes in bringing people together. His vision was profound. I become a fan, even though I did not necessarily agree with every view he had in his book. I told my wife, “this man needs to be President.” Soon after, Senator Obama announced his candidacy.

    I truly believe that America needs a visionary leader, someone who can inspire, and bring us together. We’re divided, depressed, angry and confused. That’s not a good place for a country to be. With Barack Obama as our president, we will see a new hope, a new energy, and a new direction, that will transform our country beyond any previous transformation, for a more free and prosperous country that gets along with our neighbors and friends worldwide.

    Check out my county-specific Republicans for Obama CafePress store with yard signs and more – all proceeds go to the Obama campaign.

  42. Brittany Brinson says:

    I am Rebublican gone Obama. This will be my 2nd election in which I was able to vote. I am a proud Army wife and a mother of a awesome 5mth old little boy and we are patiently waiting for Bryan (husband/daddy) to come home from Iraq. I am SO done with the war – he has been deployed 3 times – so you can’t blame me for wanting him home haha. I support the troops – I would just rather support them on our own soil :)! Our economy is shot – we have lost over 4,000 in the war in Iraq – rich people are just getting richer, while mid class working Americans are loosing their homes due to the higher mortgages. Its just heart breaking and we need a change STAT. We need an open minded Obama with a plan rather than and EXTREMELY closed minded McCain! Bring our soldiers home – OBAMA 2008!

    See ya at the polls!

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